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Selectmen Minutes 05/19/2009
Chichester Board of Selectmen
May 19, 2009

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Jordan, Selectman DeBold and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Others present: Bette Bogdan, Richard Holloran, Barbara Frangione, Michelle Plunkett, and Lucille Noel

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00pm

Department Heads: Gilbert Vien, Fire Chief; Jim Plunkett, Road Agent; John Dever, Building Inspector

BI - Mr. Dever reported he has issued the townís first mechanical permit and is actively making inspections.  The Commercial Occupancy Permit has been finalized.  

Chief Vien informed Mr. Dever that Hillcrest Campground is looking to establish a propane filling station on their property.  Mr. Dever will contact the property owner.

HYW - Mr. Plunkett reported he has secured a contractor to perform tree removal for ten trees around town that are dead and posing a safety hazard.  This contractor is also used by the towns of Pittsfield and Barnstead.  The cost is $1,400; this is less than the other two quotes solicited.  

Jim has made several attempts to visit with the property owners on Horse Corner Road to discuss the drainage problem near number 261.  A letter to the two homeowners is the next step.

The remaining ditching work is now being completed.

The department is going to start roadside mowing the first week in June.  Jim has rented a rotary mower with boom for the cost of $2,000 per week from MB Tractor & Equipment.  MB will pickup and deliver, the town will need to purchase a set of blades.  Initial cutting around telephone poles and ledge areas will be done prior to mowing.  

No word back from the state regarding the Salt procurement.

The Road Advisory Committee is working on the updated forms to be included with the departmentís submissions for the Capital Improvement Program.

The two dump trucks have been sandblasted and painted.  The 97 Ford is in need of a new body.  Jim presented pricing from three different vendors with options for purchasing a new body, used body, or repair the existing.  

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BOS minutes
May 19, 2009

Selectman DeBold moved and Selectman Jordan seconded, to authorize the Road Agent to purchase a used 10í 6.5, 8 yard dump body with lift from HP Fairfield, for the amount of $1,500.  All were in favor, motion carried.

Chairman MacCleery queried the cost effectiveness of sweeping the town roads with a bobcat instead of a sweeper.  Mr. Plunkett stated it was the same amount of money as renting a sweeper except that the town didnít have to pay for the fuel and the town picked up the sand accumulated at the intersections.

Chairman MacCleery asked whether or not the Road Agent was pricing equipment and services with other vendors per the townís Purchasing Policy. Mr. Plunkett responded yes.  Chairman MacCleery commented that it was great that Mr. Plunkett was following the policy, however he wished for the Board to be more informed of such purchases before hand if possible.  Selectman DeBold agreed that he to felt the Board should be made aware of purchases in this price range prior to the expense occurring. Mr. Plunkett stated his interpretation of the Purchasing Policy was for a purchase of a hard good and not for a service.  The Board and Mr. Plunkett will review the Purchasing Policy.  

The Road Agent has not determined as yet if there is a need to use the potable water tank.

Selectman DeBold has received follow-up documents from CLD relative to the bid proposal for the repair work to the Depot Street Bridge. Mr. Plunkett was directed to contact Mr. Ricard of CLD Engineering to discuss the details of the rebar repair.

FD - Chief Vien reported that all surplus equipment from the Safety Building has been taken to Whiteís Farm for the State auction. It is not known at this time if anything sold.


The Board opened the one bid received for the replacement of the rooftop furnace at the Safety Building.  Chairman MacCleery moved, Selectman DeBold seconded, to accept the bid as submitted from Robert Gagne Plumbing and Heating in the amount of $7,190.  All were in favor, motion carried.  

Selectman DeBold reported he had visited the Daly residence on Bailey Road and has determined that glare is still being emitted into their home from a spotlight located in the parking lot of the Weathervane Restaurant.  The redirection of the light does not appear to have made a difference.  It is Selectman DeBoldís opinion that the light is still violating the ordinance.  

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BOs minutes
May 19, 2009

Chairman MacCleery brought forward a complaint he received regarding the parking of vehicles advertised for sale, at the end of Webster Mills Road and Route 28.  The vehicles are parked in the Stateís ROW.  Lisa was directed to follow-up with Division 5 to seek the removal of this safety hazard.

Subject: Authority of Fire Chief versus Forest Warden
Present: State Ranger Doug Miner, Fire Chief Gil Vien

Chairman MacCleery moved to enter into non-public session at 7:45pm, to discuss a personnel matter, pursuant to RSA 91-A: 3, II, a &c. Selectman Jordan seconded the motion.  Chairman MacCleery called for the vote, DeBold - yes; Jordan - yes; MacCleery - yes.  Motion carried.

Chairman MacCleery moved to seal the minutes of the non-public session for a period of five years, seconded by Selectman Jordan.  DeBold - yes; Jordan - yes; MacCleery - yes. Motion carried.

Chairman MacCleery moved to return to public session at 8:37pm, seconded by Selectman DeBold.  DeBold - yes; Jordan - yes; MacCleery - yes.  Motion carried.

Subject: Conservation Easement-Myers RV
Present: Brandon Giuda and Conservation Commission members, Bob Mann, Jeff Andrews, Gordon Jones and Zach Boyajian   

Mr. Giuda, representing the current owners of Campers World on Dover Road, came before the Board seeking the Selectmenís approval to accept a conservation easement consisting of 5.15 acres, as specified and approved by the Planning Board in 2002.  To date, thee easement has not been finalized.  Mr. Giuda has met with the Conservation Commission, who has voted not to accept the easement as it does not meet criteria established by the commission for acceptance of easements.  

Over the past six weeks, the current owners have worked to complete the conditions required by NHDES on the Wetlands and Non-Site Specific Permit.  The remaining piece is acceptance of the easement.  

Selectman DeBold queried the members of the commission who had not voted in favor of acceptance as to their reasons; did not criteria, not in the Natural Resources Inventory, landlocked, status in terms of tax revenue lost/gained, funds needed to pay for stewardship/monitoring.

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BOS minutes
May 19, 2009

Selectman DeBold asked, what the negative is if the town accepted the easement.  The commission responded, perpetual responsibility to watch for, no encroachment or dumping.

Chairman MacCleery and Selectman Jordan felt that the criteria established by the commission in 2007, has no bearing on the easement that was approved in 2002, whether or not it has been completed.

Mr. Giuda stated that payments in lieu of monitoring were not mandated in 2002 and Chichesterís commission is a volunteer group that performs monitoring for free every year.

Selectman DeBold requested time to make a site visit to the parcel prior to any decision. The Board will review again next week.

Subject: Personnel Complaint
Present: Arthur Houle, William Briggs, Brandon Giuda

Mr. Houle requested a non-public session to discuss a personnel matter with the Board.
Chairman MacCleery moved to enter into non-public session at 9:15pm, pursuant to RSA 91-A: 3, II, a & c, to discuss a personnel issue.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion, the chairman called the vote.  DeBold - yes; Jordan - yes; MacCleery - yes.  Motion carried.

Chairman MacCleery moved to seal the minutes of the non-public session for a period of five years, seconded by Selectman Jordan.  DeBold - yes; Jordan - yes; MacCleery - yes.  Motion carried.

Chairman MacCleery moved to return to public session at 9:43pm, Selectman Jordan seconded the motion.  DeBold - yes; Jordan - yes; MacCleery - yes.  Motion carried.

General Business/Board Discussion:

Abatements - Denials:

Selectman DeBold moved to deny the abatement for Smith, map 2, lot 51, sub lot 7, based on the recommendation from assessor Murdough. Selectman Jordan seconded the motion.  All were in favor, motion carried.     

Chairman MacCleery moved to deny the abatement for McCulley, map 4, lot 169, sub lot C, based on the recommendation from assessor Murdough.  Selectman DeBold seconded the motion.  All were in favor, motion carried.

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May 19, 2009

Chairman MacCleery moved to deny the abatement for Robinson, map 2, lot 77, sub lot 5, based on the recommendation from assessor Murdough. Selectman DeBold seconded the motion.  All were in favor, motion carried.     

Abatements - Approvals:

Selectman DeBold moved to grant the abatement of $93,000 and refund $2055.76 in taxes and interest, based on the recommendation from assessor Murdough, for Fradette, map 2, lot 8. Chairman MacCleery seconded, all were in favor, motion carried.

Chairman MacCleery moved to grant the abatement of $49,860 and refund $1094.43 in taxes and interest, based on the recommendation from assessor Murdough, for Losey Living Trust, map 6, lot 34, sub lot C.  Selectman Jordan seconded, all were in favor, motion carried.

Selectman DeBold moved to grant the abatement of $16,800 and refund $369.74 in taxes and interest, based on the recommendation from assessor Murdough, for Wrightington, map 2, lot 2, sub lot 5.  Selectman Jordan seconded, all were in favor, motion carried.

Selectman DeBold moved to grant the abatement of $16,500 and refund $362.38 in taxes and interest, based on the recommendation from assessor Murdough, for Stevens, map 3, lot 83.  Selectman Jordan seconded, all were in favor, motion carried.

Selectman DeBold moved to grant the abatement of $12,000 and refund $263.12 in
taxes and interest, based on the recommendation from assessor Murdough, for Thompson, map 8, lot 15.  Chairman MacCleery seconded, all were in favor, motion carried.

Chairman MacCleery moved to grant the abatement of $15,600 and refund $341.95 in
taxes and interest, based on the recommendation from assessor Murdough for, Potter, map 4, lot 106.  Selectman DeBold seconded the motion, all were in favor, motion carried.

Selectman DeBold will be the Selectmen representative for the All Hazard Mitigation Plan update committee.  First meeting scheduled for June 8th at 6pm.

Motion Chairman MacCleery, second Selectman Jordan to issue a Supplemental Property Tax Warrant for 2009 1st Issue Levy in the amount of $905.00.  All were in favor, motion carried.

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BOS minutes
May 19, 2009

The Board reviewed outdoor lighting changes scheduled for Sparks Fly and advised that the owner be made aware that all fixtures must comply and be installed according to the Lighting Ordinance.  A letter of compliance when work is complete should be requested from the property owner.

The Board again discussed the nominations for representatives to the Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission.  Chairman MacCleeryís opinion is that both members should be from the Planning Boar, preferably one of them being the chairman.  Discussed was whether or not Mr. Pike attends as an employee of the PB and is getting paid to attend, or whether he attends as a citizen.  No decision was made this evening.  

 The minutes of May 12, 2009, were approved as written.

Mail and correspondence were reviewed.

Accounts payable and payroll were signed, the manifest totaled $231,301.35.

Being no further business for this evening, Chairman MacCleery adjourned the meeting at 11:05pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens                                                            Approved As Written
Administrator                                                                   5/26/2009

_________________________    ____________________ ______________________
Stephen MacCleery, Chairman     Jeffrey Jordan           Richard DeBold